Portrait of Jonty Knox

Jonty Knox

Jonty is the kind of guy who makes you wish you’d paid more attention in class (not that he did). This Aussie transplant to the UK cut his teeth closing billion-dollar deals at Huawei before deciding to really flex his muscles in the scaleup world. After building the product and tech teams that created hundreds of millions in value for Voxbone, he left on a high after a cool half-billion dollar acquisition. But he wasn’t done yet.

Next, he helped steer Otto into the first batch of Sequoia’s Arc program in 2022. When he’s not busy dismantling the status quo, you can find Jonty running the canals of north-east London, playing some (very out of practice) music on one of his few stringed instruments, or tapping away on a laptop from a cafe somewhere a bit sunnier than London. Though we have to wonder - if he’s as good at picking up instruments as he is at picking winning startups, the London Philharmonic better watch their back.
