Reach 2x more decision-makers with a single API call.

Enrich gives you the details of 490m people at 20m companies with a simple API — and none of the overhead you’re used to.

Get your api key
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Used by startups that are growing fast

get your api key

Horia Clement Co-Founder

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Almost immediately, we started booking 3x more demos.

No minimums, no contract, simply pay-as-you-go.

Pay exactly for what you see. Nothing more.

Verified Email $0.0999
Email + Mobile Phone $0.3999


We source our data from a number of sources. This includes daily scraping of the internet, as well as subscriptions to many databases that are constantly kept up to date rather than just pulling from one database that gets outdated fast. We are able to jump from source to source in a waterfall manner that means where the data exists, we will be able to get it for you unlike other providers who if they don’t have it don’t have any backups. It also means we are able to get data where individuals have opted out of certain services but not others.
The minimum that is required is a First Name, Last Name and Company Name. To get the best results, a LinkedIn profile URL and company domain should be added to this.
We will never charge for a ‘failed’ request. CustomerOS is built to only charge when successful outcomes are achieved, such as verifying an email exists and is valid vs. confirming an email is not valid. We believe in aligning our success with yours, and our pricing is structured that way. That does mean however that we charge a little more on successful operations in order to cover our costs on average due to our downstream failure costs (the industry is still catching up with us).
Yes! We are a European based company and abide by privacy laws such as GDPR. All our data is sourced in an ethical and opt-out manner. Note we ourselves do not store any of the data until it is requested so we cannot opt users out ourselves - however we can point users who want to opt out of these data services in the right direction to request their information be removed from those services.
You can choose to use just the CustomerOS API suite, or you can use it in tandem with the CustomerOS app. All API calls are enriched into your own personal dataset in CustomerOS, so you can browse through your data that you have generated over time at your leisure - without having to worry about it being charged twice if you accidentally delete that csv you were working with!