Slash prospecting time by 90%.
Boost pipeline by 3x.

Our AI-powered prospecting engine automates lead gen, delivering 100+ qualified prospects daily from web visitors, lookalikes, LinkedIn, and competitor intent signals.

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The CustomerOS Inbox, showing a stream of website visitors.

Used by startups that are growing fast

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Horia Clement Co-Founder

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Getting notified of new leads when they are actually engaged is huge.

Ever wonder who is browsing your site?

Limited Time Offer: Unmask your website visitors -- Free!

Book your demo today and start turning anonymous visitors into qualified leads.


We do a one-time login on your behalf and then use advanced techniques like one-to-one account to IP matching and imitate human behaviour when carrying out actions on your behalf like connecting with prospects or managing messaging as part of a omnichannel campaign.
A "lookalike company" in the context of B2B marketing and sales, refers to a company that shares similar characteristics with an existing ideal customer. We use information such as Company description, website, industry, firmographics, geography, customers, tech stack and more to find lookalikes.
CustomerOS utilizes a proprietary publisher network to identify previously recognized website visitors across the web, with their explicit consent. We then connect these identities using advanced fingerprinting technologies, incorporating signals like device IDs to ensure accurate matching.
Yes! We are a European based company and abide by GDPR laws. None of our website tracking contains personal identifying information (PII) and we want to keep it that way, as we don’t believe knowing exactly who visits your website, but rather which companies are visiting is valuable to your sales strategy. If you don’t believe us book in a call so we can run you through our thought process.
You can choose to use just the CustomerOS API suite, or you can use it in tandem with the CustomerOS app. All API calls are enriched into your own personal dataset in CustomerOS, so you can browse through your data that you have generated over time at your leisure - without having to worry about it being charged twice if you accidentally delete that csv you were working with!