Close more deals.
Pay zero, forever.

Boost your win rate by 30% with our powerful, forever-free CRM. From first contact to closed deal, we've got you covered — no matter how big you get.

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The CustomerOS kanban board of opportunities.

Used by startups that are growing fast

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Matthew Linkous Founder

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The shared timeline is a game-changer. It’s transformed how we work and how we support our customers.

Win more, worry less.

With a free CRM automating your sales pipeline, you can stay laser-focused on what matters—growth.


We don’t believe that CRMs should cost a dime. The value is not in the storage of data (you could use Google Sheets, Airtable or... *gasp* even Excel) but in the automations and enrichment that you can run over this data. So for companies that are just getting started, or have more time than money, CustomerOS is the ideal platform for you to get started on.

Where we make money is on the monotonous tasks and the difficult to find data. For instance, automating outbound cold email is an automation we can help you with, or enriching email or phone number information in order for you to contact potential customers is a bit of data that we can surface for you.

CustomerOS is filled with automations that run behind the scenes. The ones we love are running email validation on all emails that enter the system to make sure you always hit the inbox, adding people to your outbound campaigns when a company that fits your ICP visits your website and, of course, automatically enriching company data so that you know exactly who you are talking to in seconds - whether its a support ticket, inbound lead or someone responding to a LinkedIn message.

We have basic sales and reporting functionality like weighted pipeline and opportunity management. This means you and your team can work from the same data set, and review business opportunities together whenever it suits you. Having all the data in one place makes it easy to see everything from the touchpoints required to get someone on the phone, the transcripts of the calls that your team had and finally the all-important signature ready for finance to start billing.

We are agnostic on how you run your sales process and support all the standard sales processes. If you don’t see what you need, custom fields can be added so you can add data (though we believe in only using what is necessary to prevent creating a data sprawl of outdated data).

Flows are made up of Sequences, and Sequences are made up of actions.

A Flow allows you to craft a full prospect and customer journey all the way from the first touch through to closing the sale. Sequences are smaller series of actions and delays that have specific goals.

An example would be a Flow of two Sequences - the first sequence would be designed to send outbound emails, connect on a LinkedIn and send them a LinkedIn message to get a meeting on the books. Once that goal is achieved a second Sequence would be triggered to dripfeed them information to help close the sale. Of course when they are converted to a customer via a Closed Won opportunity this Flow would end no matter where they are in either Sequence, allowing you to automate some of your workflow.